Moshe A. Rasier embarked on an adventure when he decided to attend college in the United States. That trip soon turned into a chance to pursue his dream of starting his own business while celebrating his love of Latin dance. In time, Moshe became the founder of Aventura Dance Cruise (ADC).

Moshe A. Rasier is a highly energetic and exuberant entrepreneur, event producer, and business owner, as well as a successful investor. In 2009, he took a local dance studio global by creating the annual Aventura Dance Cruise, which in its first voyage had 472 guests before exploding to become the world’s largest Latin dance cruise, with nearly 2,400 travelers in tow, selling out entire ships, and making Moshe the youngest person ever to charter a full ship for an event. Moshe uses his skills to consult other entrepreneurs and businesses in terms of marketing, investing, management, operations, and finances.

Moshe earned his MBA at Nova Southeastern University Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship as well as a B.A., in Business Administration.

He is available for television, radio, and print interviews, as well as public speaking engagements.


“I wanted to leave a mark, deliver a life changing experience, and helping rather than live as a cog in someone else’s giant machine.”

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